Early Intervention Colorado

Early Intervention Colorado is Colorado's overall system of early intervention supports and services for families who have infants or toddlers, from birth through two years of age. Early Intervention Colorado is funded through an annual federal grant under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA). Part C guarantees rights and entitlements for infants and toddlers, ages birth through two years of age, who have significant developmental delays or disabilities or have been diagnosed with a condition associated with significant delays in development and their families.

Accessing early intervention supports and services begins when a parent or other caregiver is first concerned about a baby's development or when a baby receives a diagnosis of a condition that is associated with significant developmental delay.

To make a referral to Early Intervention: Call: 833-733-3734 (833) REFER-EI Email: GetStartedwithEI@state.co.us Fax: A referral form to 303-866-5944 Online referral form: eicolorado.org then Make a Referral

To obtain information on your rights and procedural safeguards, go to Early Intervention Colorado by clicking here.